Thank you for your interest in the online courses. If you’re looking for a convenient form of professional learning for teachers of multilinguals, then these courses are perfect for you. They conveniently bring the best of my day-long workshops to busy, committed teachers like yourself at a cost-effective price.
No hotels, no plane tickets, no lost days of teaching. Professional learning made easy. How good can it get?!
Why engage in online courses?
- Learning on your own schedule, at your own pace is convenient for teachers.
- Online courses are more affordable than attending conferences and in-person workshops.
- Sustained learning leads to better classroom implementation (Darling-Hammond et al., 2009).
- Encountering relevant, effective suggestions adds to your skill sets.

What are the course topics?
- Scaffolding Learning: This 5-hour mini-course is designed mostly for general education teachers working in Grades 6-12, though many of the strategies can be applied to upper elementary. It is intended to help teachers plan instruction that supports language learners in accessing content while developing their language skills. This is the course I wished I had when I first started teaching multilinguals in content classes.
- Transformative Teacher Collaboration:This course consists of three 5-hour mini-courses.
- Mini-course 1: Co-planning and Co-assessing
- Mini-course 2: Co-teaching and Co-reflecting
- Mini-course 3: Nurturing Co-teaching Relationships
This course is intended for teachers from Early Childhood to Grade 12. This course aims to share principles, strategies, and frameworks that help content and teachers of language learners collaborate to make content comprehensible and foster language development. Though you can enroll in these courses separately, it is best to enroll in all of them as they form a framework and foundation of effective collaboration (Honigsfeld & Dove, 2019).
- These courses are the curation of my workshops, blog posts, and podcasts in one place. The ideas shared are the ones I would share during an in-person workshop.
- These courses are independent of each other, but the principles and strategies learned from scaffolding can be applied during teacher collaboration. Conversely, successful teacher collaboration depends mostly on how we work together to scaffold instruction for multilingual learners.
How are the courses structured?
- Asynchronous learning so that it’s more convenient for teachers.
- Each teaching video is about 30 minutes.
- Five videos per course.
- All the videos are released at once.
- The engagement activity is about 30 minutes.
- To receive a certificate of participation, submit all the engagement activities of each course.
- Those who participate in all 3 courses are eligible to receive graduate credits.
How can I enroll?
- The courses are hosted by English Learner Portal. They deal with the logistics of the course (e.g., registration, invoice, billing, and refunds).
- The courses are released throughout the year in:
- January
- March
- June
- September
- November
Darling-Hammond, L., Wei, R., Andree, A., & Orphanos, S. (2009). Professional learning in the learning profession: A status report on teacher development in the United States and abroad. National Staff Development Council.
Honigsfeld, A., & Dove, M. G. (2019). Collaborating for English learners: A foundational guide to integrated practices (2nd ed.). Corwin.
“It was a phenomenal course to say the least. One of the best investments in time and money.”
“The content was so relevant! There were plenty of examples for primary as well as secondary classrooms. I really appreciated see the strategies in content other than in Language Arts (math, science, etc)”
“I really enjoyed the videos and the assignments. I also appreciated the visuals and the examples that you put in from your own classroom.”
“It was completely useful, practical, for daily use. I actually used strategies learnt on the go each week. I think content fully met the expectations I had. Thanks!”